Permaculture Design Work

My focus in Permaculture Design is on Education. I also have over 30 years experience working in mainstream education and special educational needs.
My vision for my permaculture design work with others is to:
Instigate thought and produce designers
Build different forms of capital
Recognise multiple intelligences
Share learning
Develop thinking outside the box
Develop nature connection

The programmes I will have on offer are in the design stage but will include:

For Schools
- Support with meeting the requirements of "Sustainability and Climate Change: a strategy for education and children's services systems" Sustainability Leads and Climate Action Planning
- Integrating Permaculture and Sustainability into the Key Stage 3 Curriculum
- ASDAN Gardening and Enviroment Short Course with a Permaculture Twist
- Nature Connection as a Careers Decision Making Process
- Introduction to Permaculture Courses
- Careers and Future Planning using Permaculture Tools
- Applying Permaculture Design to Teaching
- Using Permaculture Ethics, Principles and Tools to develop Sustainable Decision Making in School Management

For Community
- Introduction to Permaculture Courses
- Permaculture Design Certificates
If you would like to speak with me about any of these please send me a message by clicking the button below.